Are you looking for a new way to increase profitability and efficiency in your electrical business?
If you're serious about growing your business, then you need a reliable, proven tool to help you make managing your business much easier.
Business management software for electricians is a must-have if you want to keep your business organized and on top of things.
In this post, we're going to give you seven great benefits you can get for your electrical business by using such software.
1. Manage your electrical certificates
Certificates are an essential part of doing any electrical work and you need to store them by law for up to 5 years, which is a lot of paperwork to keep.
It’s not enough that you have all of these documents, you also need to be able to access them at all times.
With effective software you have access to all electrical certificates, and can attach them to specific jobs or clients, that are accessible and available at any time. You can have clients sign them from your phone or tablet and never need to worry about storing or accessing paperwork again. Additionally, you can email them to clients or wherever you need in pdf form.
This software will totally eliminate any hassle of storing, doing paperwork accessing certificates and allow you to fill them in from anywhere at any time.
2. Price directly from a bespoke job sheet
If you've ever tried to create a pricing spreadsheet for a project or client, you'll know that it takes an insane amount of time. This is especially true when you have to do it manually!
Being able to price directly from a bespoke job sheet is one of the best ways to get a jump on the pricing process.
If you’re not already using a job sheet for your projects, you are seriously hindering your ability to hit the ground running.
If this is a regular occurrence for you, you need to know how using software can easily do the math for you and help you quote on a job very quickly by ticking the job sheet for each element of work and that will automatically price the job for you.
3. Organise your calendar system
All too often, small businesses fail because they don’t have a proper calendar management system.
In the case of an electrician's business, it is challenging and time-consuming. It is also difficult to keep up with everything, as some projects might demand a high amount of effort.
To get ahead in this competitive business environment, you need to possess good organisation skills.
By using software, you can hone such skills and take complete control of your work by assigning tasks to team members or clients.
You can even match calendars with individual projects to view the timeline of each project's progress. Colour code specific jobs, manage your team and just work in a more productive manner.
With that one platform, you'll maintain an organised space for every project or event that you need to be aware of.
4. Check live pricing
Pricing is one of the main challenges for the trades and services industry, as product costs are fluctuating so rapidly nowadays.
You have to find the cost on materials before starting to send out your quote. But how do you know what the right price is?
Using a business management software that has a powerful live pricing feature allows you to get instant costs from builders merchants all at the same time.
You can then find the best prices for the materials your project requires. This is a great time-saver for those who work on multiple projects at once.
You can make your selection based on the supplier who offers you the best payment terms.
5. Manage your job in one place
It’s common for electricians to have multiple jobs on at the same time.
From remembering who did what, when and why... to keeping track of client details, contracts, invoices, and expenses... job management can easily become a herculean task.
You can easily get overwhelmed by the complexity of managing your business. Let alone trying to juggle multiple clients and projects at once.
The best way to stay on top of things is to have all your project work in one place, where you can easily access it, modify it, and see everything you need for it in one place.
The good news is that using business management software can give you access to tools that will assist you in managing your time, your team, your money, and your customer relationships.
6. Gain insights through business analytics
Most business owners are busy people. It is vital that you can get the business information you need, without having to wait days or weeks for it to be delivered.
Business analytics can provide you with essential, up-to-date information that will be of great use to your business.
A business management software with business analytics can help you discover important trends and variables in your business.
By gaining insights through analytics, you’ll gain critical information that can help you run your business more efficiently and increase profits.
7. Automatically follow up on your prospects
You send an email to your client and never know if it was opened or read.
That's why following up is crucial to your business. If you don’t, your prospects will forget why they wanted your service in the first place.
Using an emailing feature that lets you track estimate or quote emails to see when they’ve been viewed can be a big help for doing a follow-up.
That only means that you no longer have to call them one by one to find out if they’ve received your message.
With an additional built-in automated follow-up feature, you have a sure-fire way to chase up prospects and convert more quotes into jobs.
A software can be an invaluable tool for any entrepreneur, small business or large corporation.
Whether you are just starting out or already running your business, there is no better time to invest in this type of software, above are only a small amout of features available.
By investing in an all-in-one business management software for electricians, you can have total control over all your business operations.
Click here now to read more and discover how a game-changing software could help you in your business.